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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Internal Commands


Time:  This is an internal command. It is used to display current time and also set a new time.
Eg: C:\>time (press enter)

Date:  This is also an internal command. It is used to display current date and also set a new date. The date is shown in the mm-dd-yy format. Eg:  C:\>date (press enter)

Ver: This command is used to display the version number of your computer. Eg:  C:\>ver (press enter)

Vol: This command is used to display the volume serial number of your computer. C:\>vol (press enter)

Cls: (clear logical screen) This command is used to clear the screen. Eg:  C:\>cls  (press enter)

DIR: This command is used to display all the files and directories in your computer. Eg:  C:\>DIR (press enter)

C:\>DIR/P (press enter) : It is used to display files and directories page wise.
C:\>DIR/W (press enter): It is used to display files and directories width wise.
C:\>DIR/AD (press enter): It is used to display only directory.
C:\>DIR/A-D (press enter): It is used to display only files.
C:\>DIR/S (press enter): It is used to display all files and directories of the computer.
Note: Press ctrl+C (key) to stop running files and directories.
(Note: Here, Capital U means space)
C:\>DIR U ??? (press enter): It is used to display those files and directories which have upto 3 characters.
C:\>DIR U* com (press enter): It is used to display those files which have com as an extension only.

File: A collection of information can only be saved in the form of file. Hence, a collection of related information saved in the computer is called a file.

Copy con command: This command is used to make a new file in the computer. Syntax: C:\>copy U con U filename  (press enter)
( Note: Press F6 or ctrl + Z key for save then press enter key )

Type command: The type command is used to display  contents of file. Syntax: C:\>Type U filename (press enter)
Eg:  C:\>Type U Golden (press enter)

DEL (DELETE) or Erase: The DEL command is used to delete (remove) your selected file from the computer. Syntax: C:\>DEL U filename (press enter)
                                  C:\>Erase filename (press enter)

Ren (Rename) command: The Ren command is used to change the filename.
Syntax: C:\>Ren U old filename U new filename (press enter)

Copy command: This command is used to make duplicate file. It is used to combine two or more files. It is also used to copy the file from one disc to another disc.

To make duplicate file:
Syntax: C:\>copy U old filename U new filename (press enter)

To combine the file:
Syntax: C:\>copy U F1 + F2 + F3 U new file name (press enter)

To copy the file from one disk to another disk:
Syntax: C:\>copy U filename U drive name (press enter)

Note: Here, Capital (U) means to give space.

Prompt command: The prompt command is used to change the prompt (C:\>).
C:\>prompt $T  (press enter): It is used to display current time.
C:\>prompt $V (press enter): It is used to display version number of your computer.
C:\>prompt $Q (press enter): It is used to display equal sign.
C:\>prompt $B  (press enter): It is used to display (;) sign.
C:\>prompt $G  (press enter): It is used to display greater than (>) sign.
Type $P $G key then press enter key to display C:\>.

Directory: A table of contents on the disc is called a directory. A directory within a directory is called sub-directory.

MD (Make Directory): The MD command is used to make a new directory.
Syntax: C:\>MD directory name (press enter)

CD (Change Directory): The CD command is used to change the directory.
Syntax: C:\>CD directory name (press enter)

RD (Remove Directory): The RD command is used to remove the directory.
C:\>RD directory name (press enter)
Note: If you want to remove directory then you should remember following points:
Directory must be empty and
Exit from the current directory.

Exit command: This command is used to return the windows screen.
Eg: C:\>exit (press enter)

Thankyou! For viewing and reading this article.

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